About CareVitality
Our Team is experienced in creating efficiencies, cutting unnecessary costs, improving patient outcomes and maximizing security among our solutions and services.
Our Leadership team helps provide income streams to providers while cutting down costs for patients, employers and health plans.
Our Solutions and Services

Health Tech Evolution
Value based care rewards providers by paying them for value the health care provider provides a patient and not the volume of services provided, eliminating unneeded costs to the patient and the insurer.
Our providers we consult and provide telehealth support and solutions are the highest performers maintaining the healthiest patients at the lowest cost, according to the Physician Compare website.

Virtual Care via Telehealth
Many times virtual care cuts costs of a healthcare visit in half at the convenience of the patient and provider’s schedule along with providing a variety of preventative, chronic care management services and remote physiologic monitoring to keep the patient healthier in their home avoiding unnecessary virtual/ office visits, ER visits, and/ or hospitalizations.
Studies show 25% of ER Visits will be unneeded due to the transition to virtual care.

Telehealth Solutions
- Chronic Care Management
- Principal Care Management (specialists)
- General Care Management (FQHCs/ RHCs)
- Transitional Care Management
- Behavioral Health Integration
- Remote Physiologic Monitoring
- Annual Wellness Visits
- Wellness Solutions
Consultative Services
- EHR (Electronic Health Records)
- Practice Management & Patient Portal
- Selecting
- Project Management
- Implementation
- Practice Workflow/ Redesign
- Optimization
- Training
- MACRA/ MIPS/ Meaningful Use
- Managed Services
- Software Development
- Analytics
- Compliance (HIPAA/ Cybersecurity)
- Security Risk Analysis
- Penetration Testing
- Vulnerability Scanning
- Network Analysis
- Cybersecurity Training
- Ethical Hacker